Monday, May 28, 2007

Spinning Wheel!

My Lendrum, this was the first night I got my wheel. It spins so nicely. I am getting fablous at spinning now, both with a drop spindel and with my wheel. I have spun hundreds of yards of yarn. I have some of my yarns at the Falconer Yarn Loft. Where a portion of the sale goes to the Humane Society. The Humane Society gets no funding from the county or state for cats. All the money put into taking care of the cats is from monies they have fund raised. Therefore I decided to knit and spin for Winston's friends, who still need homes.
My aspiration is to knit dog sweaters to sell at the Humane Society's store. Perhapes between everything else Jen and I are knitting we can get half a dozon knit for the store before the fall. We'll see...

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