Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sarge's Stocking

I am still working on the hat mentioned in yesterday's post, but I need to blog some of my FP ( finished projects).

Here is Sarge's Christmas stocking. I think it looks like a good dog stocking. It is wide enough to fit some bones and maybe even a new squeeky ball.

The hat is almost done. It should be able to block it today. Looking at my list of "to knits" for Christmas I plan to knit one item every weekend. There are 5 weekends left. I didn't count the weekend of the 23rd and 24th of December. So thats 5 projects done. And a large project or two small (ie: fetching) every week. 6 weeks left. That should take care of it.

Unfortunatly that doesn't leave time for spinning. But I do have some great yarn spun, I just can't decide what to knit it into!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ruth's Mittens

Sweet! One pair of mittens down! The whole having a job thing is really slowing down my knitting progress. So since its saturday I have been knitting all day. I have almost finished a hat. And its not just any hat. Its uber long. If it were a real hat it would be done by now. I may need to switch to a different project just so I can feel like I am getting somewhere.

Oh yeah and today my sink backed up... well not backed up so much as vomited. My sink was totally clean and wiped down when I left this morning. When I came home there was this weird smell coming from the kitchen. My sink was full of water that was not mine! So I started taking buckets of water out and the more I took out the more the water came in! So I finally got most of it out and it stopped. My upstairs neighbor came down because his sink was backed up. His sink was draining into mine! So every time he turns on HIS sink MY sink fills with water.

UGGG so the maitantance guy came and was here for like an hour... needless to say he has to come back monday. So neither Rodney ( my neighbor) or I can use our kitchen sinks.

Back to knitting...