Monday, October 30, 2006

Christmas list...

So hand knit gifts are great! Yeah but they better be appreciated. Because most of them go to people who don’t knit the receivers have no idea what knitters go through in the months leading up to Christmas. The day after thanksgiving is nothing compared to knitting a pair of mittens everyday. So I will explain more with the list I have made myself…

- Two pairs of legwarmers
- Three hats
- Six pairs of fetching
- Two pairs of mittens
- One pair of socks
- One scarf
- One dog sweater

So my plan is to finish or almost finish one half of a pair each day. Ha! I guess it’s a good plan. So far I have been doing pretty good progress today I should be able to finish one of the pairs of fetching. And perhaps start another pair.

So this is a pair of fetching for one of the six pairs that I need to finish before Christmas. Plus I figure if I have time I will make an extra pair for that person I know I’ll forget to get something for. And does anyone have ideas for my brother? Whether it is hand knit or not he is so hard to buy for.

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